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Mission Statement
Terms & Conditions

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Mission Statement

Overview and mission statement
Incorporating Civicgift

  1. To develop and provide a free and assessable website that will provide educational and factual information that will be relevant to any given area, it will then be circulated to all schools and places of education, plus community groups and other interested parties.

  2. It will be our aim to get as many schools, groups and individuals to support the project by submitting written and photographic information regarding the development and history of their area, we would hope it would help schools to interact and be aware of things of interest that other schools are achieving.

  3. We should offer schools the opportunity to have their own section on the website ie, they could pick a subject such as, (A) famous past pupil or (B) something that has taken place at the school, past or present, (C) it could be something of historical importance that has happened within the schools catchment area, they would then submit a relevant image plus a short text which we would put on the website, then a link would be made to their school website or where further information can be viewed.

  4. Likewise local community groups and individuals can submit items that it is felt would be of interest both locally and to a wider audience, they too would have their features displayed and with a link to their own website.

  5. Local music groups and individuals would be invited to submit suitable music that we could feature as background music for the DVDs and on the website, we feel this would be a great showcase for them to perform to a very large and wider audience.

  6. The overriding aim of Citys-online is to promote the benefits and appeal of sometimes not well known but notable historic events and achievements of groups, individuals and companies past and present who have contribute to the continued development of the area.

  7. Finally Citys-online will actively support and encourage any project that will be of benefit to the community, we will bring it to the attention of thousands of people through the citys-online website, and were ever possible help to secure the support of companies, and community groups within the area.

Citys-online and The Hepworth Wakefield, working together to improve and open up accessibility to Yorkshire’s exciting arts, heritage and cultural opportunities.











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